Hey check out my YouTube channel and sub if you have one.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Posted by kookygal37 at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The movers are at my house today so they are going to be disconnecting our internet so i will post but totally not as often. I will try my best though.
Katie aka kookygal37
Posted by kookygal37 at 10:29 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Barlow Girl Our Journey So Far
Katie aka kookygal37
Posted by kookygal37 at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 22, 2010
BarlowGirl: Open Heavens Live
This is a video from when I went to a Barlow Girl concert. I think the person with the green lightstick is me. HEEHEE!
Posted by kookygal37 at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Right now I am in the process of moving and fixing my blog to make it look more presentable...LOL! So I will be posting here and there but once I am moved I will start posting more! Sorry for the inconvenince.
Posted by kookygal37 at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Sorry I haven't been posting becuse I am very busy so I will try to post some more later!
Posted by kookygal37 at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
This video is from the concert in Oceanside I went to and I am not quite sure but if you see a green light stick in the front of the camera I thnk it may have been me! HAHA!
Posted by kookygal37 at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 12, 2010
Posted by kookygal37 at 7:32 PM 0 comments
What to Look Forward To...
Posted by kookygal37 at 8:31 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Sing Me a Love Song
I love this music video it is so touching and even in just 5 minutes you are touched. I think this is the most empowering music video I have ever seen. If you think so too comment.
Posted by kookygal37 at 11:15 PM 0 comments
"As I lay there, God touched my heart. He revealed to me that all my destructive efforts to shrink my body were not making me feel any better about myself…I felt His sadness about how I'd been destroying the temple He'd created and realized that I'm truly beautiful in His eyes…He filled [my heart] with love, acceptance and hope. I was so completely grateful for His healing that I pledged on that spot to love and serve Him for the rest of my life."[
Posted by kookygal37 at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Posted by kookygal37 at 4:20 PM 1 comments
Funny Story
Posted by kookygal37 at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Alyssa's Story
Posted by kookygal37 at 10:20 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Barlow Girl Q&A (also informational)
We really tried to capture that in this album. So, it is mature. The lyrics are a little heavier. Because in the times we’re in right now, we don’t have time to mess around with our songs. We just say it the way it is now, a little bit more than before. It’s deeper, but there’s definitely a lot of hope in it.
Did you use an orchestra in a lot of the songs?
Lauren: We asked 10 or 12 speakers we admire and look up to the question about Psalm 73, “How is God enough for you in your life? Tell us a time where God has been enough for you.” We did interviews with each of those speakers on our website. We’re challenging our generation to make God enough. God is enough for you in your life. So many times we look to the world and other people to be enough for us. Really, we’re kind of changing our mindset, changing the way we think about these things. God is enough for us in our lives, but so many times we don’t even give Him a chance. We just automatically assume, “Oh, He’s not gonna be good enough. It’s not gonna be what I want.” We’re realizing that in the end, if we just give God the chance to fulfill us and be all that we need, our life is gonna be so much better. And a lot more fulfilling. It’s a challenge for our generation, and for us as a band as well. God is enough. That’s something we are very passionate about.
What are two things people might be surprised to know about Barlowgirl?
LAUREN: We live on a farm. Is that weird? (Laughs) I don’t know if many rock bands live on a farm. We still live with our parents, and we’re all in our twenties . . . that’s kind of different. Because I’m a drummer, people always think I’m an angry person. I always say, “No! I’m a nice person. I like puppies!” (Laughs.)
I hate all things that normal people like. For instance, I cannot drink coffee, and I pretty much don’t like the “in” trend of food. I hate sushi, and that’s the thing to love! I got sick on sushi once. Five days for one piece of sushi! It was the worst. I had a California roll, so it’s not that fishy. It’s got a little big of crab in it. It really tastes like the seaweed wrapping. You have to douse it with soy sauce. And I hate fish. I don’t even know why I tried it. I’m done with sushi! Every time I look at it, I get a little nauseous.
What’s currently in your iPod or cd player?
Lauren: The Barlowgirl album! We’ve been doing the mixes and stuff, mastering it. So I had to listen to it about fifteen times a day! During that time we have to call our producer and say, “We need to change this or that.” Literally, that’s all I’ve been listening to. After all the mixing is done, we master it. Then it’s finished! So now I get to listen to it simply for pleasure. I love that. I have a different mind set now. I’m not listening to what needs to be fixed, I’m listening to it as a whole, as a body. And now that it’s done, I love it. I still hear things that could be changed because an album is never really done. But there comes a point when you have to say, “Okay, just master it! We have to be done with it!” Now I just have to say to myself, “You can’t listen for the stuff you’d like to fix.” You could kill yourself mixing an album, really. You could never be finished.
Three things always found in your refrigerator:
LAUREN: There’s always milk; gotta have milk! But it’s the Horizon organic kind, which is the best. I always have to have baby carrots. I’m addicted to them. I love ‘em! It’s the only vegetable I’ll ever eat, pretty much. I don’t like vegetables. I wanna like vegetables, but I don’t like them. I only eat carrots or zucchini--that’s it. I’ll stir fry it, zuchini and squashes. But everything else, I can’t eat. I don’t know why.
And there are these Amy’s little Pizza Pockets. They are the best thing ever! I have like five boxes of them in there right now. Or anything from Morningstar. They do all the soy Boca Burgers, and stuff. They do soy hot dogs. (That sounds really gross!) But yeah, I try to be healthy. When you’re on the road, you gotta be healthy ‘cause you’re eating at 2 in the morning. The only exercise we get on the road is on stage. We try, but it really never happens.
A lot of girls look up to you. Let’s say you could sit every girl down and share with them nuggets of wisdom. What would you share?
LAUREN: I would sit them down and let them know to not let this world define them. I think that is one of the biggest things we struggle with as women, even as a generation, not just women. We let this world tell us exactly who we’re supposed to be. We let this world tell us exactly what we’re supposed to look like and what we’re supposed to dress like. We need to realize as women that we need to get our definition from God and what He’s created us to be. When we look at this world, it’s not fulfilling; it’s not who we’re supposed to be. We’re just in this endless cycle of chasing fads and trends to be “in” and to be liked. God’s saying, “Just look to Me, and let Me define you.” Because when He does, it’s so much more fulfilling.
The big thing for us as human beings is we don’t know who we are. God has created us to be something amazing. God has made this path for us to look to Him every single day and say, “What do you want me to be? What do you want me to do?” But we look to all the wrong places. That is why our generation has cutters. That is why we are anorexic. That is why there is so much depression. That is why we’re sleeping around. That is why we’re doing all these things, because we don’t know who we are. We’re just looking for fulfillment any place we can find it. Don’t let this world define you. Find out who God is, and you’ll be an amazing person. That’s not to say your life is gonna be easy. You’re still gonna have struggles, but it’ll be a lot better because you’ll have someone holding you through all your pain.
It comes from a personal relationship between you and God. You have to take that time. If you don’t hear God, how much time do you spend with Him? It’s not just fifteen minutes of opening your Bible and saying, “Show me something. Do something now.” Don’t give Him a limit. You gotta press in and be as passionate about Him as you are about turning on the television and listening to your radio. Be passionate about listening to Him and just sitting there. Sometimes we girls will sit as a family before God for hours saying, “Okay, God. Speak to us.” It’s intercession. It’s praying. It’s being on your face. And a lot of times we don’t get anything because God’s slowly pulling the things of this world away so we can hear His voice. You gotta press in and be passionate about it.
What do you know now that you wish you had known when you first started in music?
ALYSSA: Looking back, I see that even in those times when I didn’t know where God was taking me, there is such a sweetness to that. It made me trust Him more. I kind of liked the time when I didn’t know much. I’m the kind of person who loves to know everything, to really be in control and know the answer for everything. I think so often God purposely hides things from me so that I cling to Him and actually trust Him instead of trusting myself. Looking back, as much as it annoyed me at the time, I kind of loved those areas of my life that were a blind spot to me, that made me seek Him and say, “Lord, I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I trust You.” That’s something that will go on the rest of my life, with my personality. I think He’ll always do that so I trust Him more.
You’re sitting across a table from someone who’s not sure if they even believe in God. What would you say?
ALYSSA: When I’m faced with talking to people who don’t know God at all, I love sharing my personal experiences. It makes it very tangible for them. I love talking about ways God has shown up in my life, or something God has done in my life. A story is something that reaches a person’s heart quickly because they see, “Oh, my gosh, if that’s who God is in their life, what can He do in mine?” I make it as personal as possible, instead of pulling out fifteen Scriptures. If we don’t make it personal they don’t know why we’re even speaking it, because they don’t know what it means to us. They don’t know why we’d be sharing it. But if we put an emotion to it, something that we’ve experienced, they start to go, “That’s what I want in my life,” because they want that emotion and that feeling, that understanding, that Rock under their feet.
It would also depend on what they are going through in their lives. What are they dealing with? What in my life could I share that God has done similar to what they need? I find God brings a lot of people my way who are pretty skeptical about the fact that God would ever have anything for their lives. I believe that’s because that was totally me. I can go, “Hey, I’ve been there.” I totally went through the biggest season where I had dreams of what I thought I was gonna be. I thought I was gonna go to Broadway. I had it all planned out. I’ve had my life planned out since I was six! I’m just that kind of person. I knew where I was going. I share my story of how I was so stubborn until I was about 18, still serving God, but saying, “God, hands off my dreams. I don’t think You could have anything better than what I have for myself.”
I was angry, and I was bitter. The amazing thing for me is that God was way more persistent than I was in that time. He went after me in full force! He began to show me what unconditional love was, through my family, through people helping me. He showed me that I didn’t have to be perfect for someone to love me. Through that He began to reveal that He did have a plan for me, for my life. I’m here today because of those examples. I was like, “Okay, if You are this loving and forgiving, then yeah, I’m all Yours.” He healed me, and I’m walking, and I’m serving Him. Both are equally miraculous.
How has journaling impacted your lives?
ALYSSA: There are lots of song lyrics in my journal over the past years. Not even intentionally written as lyrics. They’re written in journal form. “Never Alone” was birthed in a journal. A lot of those lyrics came out of that. I find journaling to be a wonderful release. Especially when you’re in a crowded place, and you just kind of want to scream something out to God or really get something off your chest. A lot of my life is spent in crowded places, on a bus or in a venue, and it’s very hard for me to be alone. I will sit down and open my journal, and it feels very intimate all the sudden. It feels like nobody’s looking over my shoulder; nobody can hear me; it’s just me and God. There could be a bunch of people around, but I feel very focused all the sudden on Who I am talking to.
Also, I love looking back. I have all my journals from since I was seven. I love being able to look back and go, “Look where God’s brought me! Look at the things I was dealing with.” Or, “Oh, I’m still dealing with that.” (Laughs.) It’s almost like my own life story written down in all these books that I’ll have forever---my story with God and where He’s brought me. My journals are wonderful.
You’re in line at Starbucks. What are you ordering?
Alyssa: I always order a tall, skim cappuccino with whip. Definitely whip! I get whip on everything. I don’t know why, I just love it. It’s my favorite part.
Your favorite vacation spot?
Alyssa: Anywhere with a beach and my brother and his family. We mostly end up going to Florida. We love Florida.
What’s your most embarrassing moment?
Any advice for someone who might be struggling with their prayer life?
Posted by kookygal37 at 4:26 PM 0 comments
Alyssa's Hieght
Check out my other Blog: http://soyouthinkyoucandancefan37.blogspot.com/
Posted by kookygal37 at 1:41 PM 0 comments